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    About the Directorate

    The Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies (DRPS) was established in 2019 as required by the University Charter Article No. 11 in order to coordinate research and postgraduate studies in the University. As stipulated in the SJUIT’s Charter Article No. 8, research and postgraduate studies are among the key activities of any University. The other key activities include teaching (undergraduate), consultancy and public engagement.

    The Directorate is headed by a Director who is answerable to the Depute Vice Chancellor – Academic, Research and Public Engagement (DVC – ARPE). Since its establishment, the Directorate is responsible for harnessing and coordinating research efforts of all researchers and academicians within the University and in the community as well. It also forges intra and inter-institutional collaboration in research, solicitation of research funds, coordination of the dissemination of research findings, publication of scholarly articles in academic journals and management of public engagement activities.

    Additionally, the Directorate coordinates postgraduate studies in terms of admissions, delivery of programs, postgraduate researches and graduation.

    Dr. K. A. Nihuka
    Director, Research & Postgraduate Studies
    St. Joseph University In Tanzania

    Objectives of the Directorate

    The following are the objectives of the Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies at St. Joseph University In Tanzania;

    1. To equip students with appropriate knowledge and skills in their postgraduate areas of specialization
    2. To foster in students, the spirit of independent scientific study for innovation and knowledge generation.
    3. To promote students’ competence in applying scientific knowledge to address real-life problems in society.
    4. To instil in students high standards of scientific professional conduct and a sense of responsibility and accountability in whatever they think and do in their postgraduate studies.
    5. To enable students develop critical thinking and analytical skills, judgement and participate in development activities.
    6. To enable students use computer and internet in writing their research papers and theses, and use computer, internet and their various tools for life-long learning and working.
    7. To coordinate public engagement activities in the University.
    8. To solicit public engagement opportunities from national and international institutions.
    9. To solicit research grants from national and international institutions, and
    10. To participate in any other activities as related to research and postgraduate studies in the University.

    Postgraduate Studies Programs

    Currently, the Directorate is coordinating development of 9 postgraduate studies programs in the College of Engineering and Technology located at Mbezi – Luguruni Campus in Dar es Salaam.

    The programs include:

    1. Master of Engineering in Construction Technology and Project Management - Civil Department
    2. Master of Engineering in Mechatronics Technology - Mechanical Engineering Department
    3. Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy - Mechanical Engineering Department
    4. Master of Engineering in Electronics and Computer Engineering – Electronics, Electrical and Communication Engineering Department
    5. Mater of Engineering in Power Electronics and Drives - Electronics, Electrical and Communication Engineering Department
    6. Master of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence – Computer Science and Information Systems Department
    7. Master of Science in Management of Business Information Technology - Computer Science and Information Systems Department
    8. Master of Science in Chemistry - Science and Mathematics Education Department, and
    9. Master of Science in Physics - Science and Mathematics Education Department

    Research and Public Engagement

    Currently, the Directorate is coordinating a total of 24 researches conducted by academic staff in the 2 Colleges, namely: College of Engineering and Technology (at Mbezi Luguruni Campus) and College of Health and Allied Sciences (at Boko Campus) in Dar es Salaam.

    In terms of public engagement, the University is currently implementing STEM-4-ALL program which is geared towards improvement of the teaching and learning of physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and ICT in 18 secondary schools in 7 regions including Zanzibar, benefiting over 15,000 learners.


Contact Us


St. Joseph University In Tanzania P.O. Box 11007, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

University Office: +255 680 277 914

Admission Office: +255 680 277 900, +255 680 277 909, +255 680 277 899, +255 784 757 010